Latest Announcements

Coast Guard Public School, Campbell Bay is conducting interview on 20 July 24 at 10:00 for vacant teachers post. Candidates having following qualifications can attend interview with original documents (a) BA or MA, B.Ed (English) CTET qualified, (b) BSc or MSc, (Mathematics) CTET qualified (c) BA or MA, B.Ed (Sanskrit) CTET qualified, (d) Teaching experience will be preferred. Candidate appearing for CTET can also apply for the above vacancies
Admission for the academic year 2024-25 is going on. Admission form is available in site.

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Welcoming Applications For 2024-25!

Coast Guard Public School heartily welcomes all parents to let their kids be part of our healthy school community. We develop students not only academically but as a person with moral conducts and responsibility to society.

About Us

The Coast Guard Public School, Campbell Bay was activated on 22 Jul 1999 and registered under A&N Society Registration act 1860 with registration number 121/2001 dated 11 Sep 2001.

The School was started as an initiative to provide the quality education to the young generations in the southernmost part of our nation. Campbell Bay being the southernmost and being a remote location had few schools at that time and Indian Coast Guard being the nodal government agency envisaged to bind moral fabric with the Islanders through providing a quality education.


Apply for Admission

Our staff of teachers are qualified to handle the classes and education with individual care.

School Clubs

Students can choose different clubs based on their interest and work in cooperation with other students.

School Life

Make this stage of learning memorable by growing in a good atmosphere given by Coast Guard Public School!

Better Results

Our results on our children talk about a child’s mental and physical being along with his academic grades.

Sr. Principal Says

Mrs. Manpreet Kaur (MA,B.Ed)
Principal – Coast Guard Public School

‘Knock humbly on the doors of success with hope until it opens with showers of results’

A person who was nominated as the best Teacher in the state level, Mrs. Manpreet Kaur still keeps on smiling humbly. Leaving the position of UGC level Assistant Professor away, Mrs. Manpreet Kaur took the wheel of Coast Guard Public School with the vision of educating young minds. According to him, education is not about studying what a syllabus suggests. Instead, it is overall development. Taking this into play, he took Coast Guard Public School to state-level recognition in Academic as well as Non- Academics like sports and games.

Why Choose Us?

In a fast-growing generation, everyone takes their best to survive! Being an educational institution, the need to prepare children to face this reality is a responsibility we as Coast Guard Public School School takes! To make it possible, our school in Lal Tekri, Campbell Bay is equipped with all facilities to help the kids learn in a new and creative way.

Even though we have adopted new teaching techniques, we never gave up on our culture. Our culture is what makes a child’s upbringing to completeness. The discipline we practice and the knowledge we give to our kids are from our fathers who always gave more importance to love